Smokejumper Concept Implementation for Arcimoto

At the very beginning of the Youtube Channel's Disruptive Investing video with Mark Frohnmayer, the Smokejumper is discussed at some great length. Almost 9 minutes worth. Although there was less realistic discussion on using the Smokejumper for dorm rooms, tall buildings in a dense urban environment, and inside homes, the Youtube comments below the video were a bit more interesting. 
For instance, my town newspaper lists fire and police calls. I was shocked at the number of bark dust fires we have every summer. Most were near the street but not necessarily near a faucet. Taking out a huge fire truck for these fires is expensive. A 37 gallon tank on a Smokejumper can easily get to a smoldering bark dust fire put out at a fraction of the time and cost of a large truck.

During firework and bon fire season, the Smokejumper would come in handy for quick response to fires too big for an extinguisher but too small for a firetruck. 

Even campgrounds might need a handy small fire extinguisher. Whether it be campfire, RV refrigerator, or propane fire, an option bigger than an extinguisher might be appropriate.

Apartment complexes will often have on site cleaning and maintenance. In addition to utilizing the Smokejumper, if the ability to easily remove the tank were an option, the flatbed could be used for weekly tasks like collecting cardboard, restocking dog poop bags, cleaning supplies, and toilet paper, or parking lot garbage patrol. 

Because the tank looks like it could be customized, the possibility of using the Smokejumper for agricultural uses such as spraying small orchards or weeds comes to mind. Or anything else that is suitable for 37 gallon application of liquids.

If a larger fire is occuring which involves all or most firetrucks, the Smokejumper can be utilized for concurrent smaller fires. If anything, the Smokejumper could be used to fetch lunch for the firefighters and staff.

Finally, many towns have hanging baskets in their downtown area and new trees with Treegators for slow release watering. Both can be filled with from a 37 gallon water pump.

If Smokejumper doesn’t become popular for its small fire fighting capabilities, I do see flexible uses for the flatbed configuration. Assuming the tank and hose reel are somewhat removable, the number of use case scenarios for that alone seem endless.

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