Arcimoto Regen Brake System: KERS

Ever wonder how the regen brakes work? An article by Joe Michaud titled “Arcimoto’s answer: Zero-emission vehicle drives like a motorcycle, has 100-mile range” writes:
Handlebars carry the throttle, turn signals, motor off/on switch, start button, direction (forward-neutral-reverse) switch, and the trigger for the kinetic energy recovery system (KERS).
Energy recovery technology uses the momentum of the vehicle to regenerate electrical energy back to the high-voltage batteries. KERS is controlled by a trigger on the right grip and, since it effectively slows the vehicle, it also activates the brake lights. KERS braking response depends on amount of battery levels; there’s less regenerative braking available any time the battery is charged over 90 percent to prevent overcharging system.

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