Arcimoto Patents

If you are curious as to what patents Arcimoto holds and who is given credit for each patent, you can go to and do a basic search in everything for “Arcimoto.”

You’ll find a list of patents and links to the full PDF file that you can peruse.

Of interest are the following patents:

Tilting Wheeled Vehicle by Robert Mighell and Michael Lowell of Snohomish, WA

Narrow ultra efficient three wheeled vehicle with automotive class feel by Mark Frohnmayer

Vehicle powertrain with dual-independent transmissions by Mark Frohnmayer, James Jordan, Paul Clark, and Adrian Hawkins (Hood River).

Busbar system featuring externally crimped connections for electrical contacts by James Jordan (Junction City), David Boyd (Portland), and Jove Lachman-Curl

Battery system patent owners Mark Frohnmayer and David Boyd

Battery assembly including multi-row battery interconnection member by Mark Frohnmayer, James Jordan, Terry Becker

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