If you don’t include ALL of this information you might not be as successful at selling. Also wondering if making a Facebook group just for Fuvs for sale is worthwhile.
- Photos - Please include, even if not great ones
- Location (city, state):
- Year (Look at the 10th letter of the VIN - K is 2019, L is 2020, M is 2021, N is 2022, P is 2023):
- Miles:
- Asking price:
- Negotiable price:
- Doors: Yes/No
- Trunk: Yes/No
- Steering Upgrade: Yes/No
- Painted: Yes/No
- Vinyl: Yes/No
- Updates (new battery, firmware up-to-date where finger trigger isn’t required for startup)
- Working condition (runs, no errors on dashboard)
- Willing to ship: Yes/No
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